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riththewarluid's Character References

There are two - Annorith and Elianore.


Annorith, a warlock, is in her mid-thirties, and a devoted guardian to keeping Azeroth safe. She's very serious and grave, and appears to be very world-weary to those around her. She has times of levity, mostly when she's had a little too much to drink, but she tries to avoid drinking her woes away too often. She was married to a soldier of the Stormwind army, and they had a child named Olivia, but he never understood (and greatly feared) Rith's power as a warlock and when she left to help storm the Icecrown citadel, he left her for another, simpler woman. She writes a letter to her young daughter every day, and visits Olivia in Stormwind whenever she can. She's a powerful and dedicated fighter, and a fearsome opponent. Her preferred magic is Destruction, so fire's big with her. She loves the Midsummer Fire Festival, it is her favorite holiday of the year and celebrates it religiously.

Her minion of choice is her grumpy imp, Jubtik, who is one of the only people (humanoid? xD) who can make her laugh. They have a very close bond that started when she first summoned him as a 16-year old girl. The two are inseparable.

Her outfits are very flexible; really, whatever one wishes to draw her in is fine! As long as it's aesthetically pleasing at least. ;) For example, please do NOT draw the armor that she has currently equipped in Armory. (Also, no helms, please!)

Here are some screenies of, and notes on, armor that she has been seen in, as well as some close-up facials and things. Some things that are not depicted in the screenshots: Her eyes are violet, not blue, and she has a small circlet of twisting silver metal that she wears on her forehead.




One of her fancier dresses is the Festive Purple Dress.

Annorith in Purple Dress

Annorith in Purple Dress

Annorith in Purple Dress

Annorith in Purple Dress

One of her more "fire" oriented outfits consists of the Valorous Plagueheart Shoulderpads, Embrace of Madness (robe), and the Staff of Draconic Combat.



During the Midsummer Fire Festival, she often seen wearing the Vestment of Summer and the Crown of the Fire Festival with bare feet and with her fore-arms wrapped with thin golden ribbon.

Annorith in Fire Festival Garb

Some other clothing notes: My favorite Warlock tier-sets for her are Tier-2, the Nemesis Raiment, Tier-6 the Malefic Raiment, and Tier-8, Conqueror's Deathbringer Garb. One of Rith's favored weapons is Frost Needle, cause it's pretty.


Elianore, my second character, is a Night Elf restoration druid that is strongly against violence of any kind and is incredibly passive. She's quiet, sweet, and and soft-spoken, and never has a harsh word for anyone. She's very naive and sheltered, and very impressionable. She believes that everyone should be redeemed for their wrongs and given a second chance, and is very forgiving to others when they have wronged her. She won't stick up for herself in an argument, and is entirely too trusting of others. She loves nature, and when she isn't healing for fellow adventurers, she can be found at the nearest Moonwell, praying to Elune, or wandering the nature around her and singing. The only time she becomes angry is when her family members are threatened. She has a younger sister, a fiery and impudent hunter named Tripia, who she is fiercely protective of, and is the only person Eli will willingly kill for.

Elianore is passive and trusting to the point of being very easy to take advantage of. She's very vulnerable to being tricked or cheated. But her kindness has won her many friends, and she is often busy with healing her comrades.

Eli's clothing is a bit more restrained than Rith's. The only armor she really wears is the Tier-9 Alliance set, Malfurion's Garb, with a dark blue shirt on underneath, no helm, and with the Draenic Wildstaff (below).

Her armory should be, currently, accurate, other than her staff that's equipped. Here are some screenshots all the same (unfortunately, with the incorrect staff D:).





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